CVODE, CVODES, and IDA all use Backward Differentiation Formulas methods (CVODE and CVODES also provide the option of using Adams-Moulton methods for the solution of nonstiff problems).
Table of Contents
Basic formulas
Denote by $t_n$ and $y_n = y(t_n)$ the discrete values of the independent variable $t$ and solution $y(t)$ and let $h = t_n - t_{n-1}$ be the stepsize.
BDF is one of many Linear Multistep Methods (LMM). It is called BDF because it differentiates the solution $y$ using past (backward) values; i.e.,
(1)The simplest BDF method (BDF1) is Backward Euler (BE):
(2)The fixed-step BDF of order $q$ (BDFq) is
(3)where the coefficients $\alpha_i$ and $\beta_0$ depend only on the method order $q$.
For an ODE in explicit form; i.e. $\dot y = f(t,y)$, the BDFq method gives $y_n$ as the solution of
(4)For an ODE in implicit form or a DAE; i.e. $F(t,y,\dot y) = 0$, the BDFq method gives $y_n$ as the solution of
(5)Symbolic operator derivation
For any sequence $\{x_n\}$, define the operators
(6)It is easy to develop an algebra of operators by observing that the following relationships hold:
(7)where the inverse increment operator is defined by
(8)A given sequence may or may not be the set of discrete values of a smooth functino of $t$. When it is, we can define a differentiation operator, $Df_n = \dot f(t_n)$ and write the infinite Taylor series expansion of $f(t)$ at $t = t_n$ as
(9)In other words, the increment and differentiation operators are related through
(10)Next, using (7), we get $E = (1-\nabla)^{-1}$ and therefore
(11)which, applied to $y(t)$ gives:
(12)to obtain the BDFq method, simply truncate the series (12) at the $\nabla^q$ term. Through simple manipulations, it is easy to obtain
(13)Varying the stepsize
There are three possible ways of allowing a variable stepsize: interpolated fixed-step BDF, fully variable-step BDF, and fixed-leading coefficient BDF.
(1) In the interpolated fixed-step approach, one uses the fixed-step BDF method with stepsize $h$, but interpolates at a spacing equal to the new stepsize $h'$. However, the behavior of the resulting method can be unstable if the stepsize changes too frequently.
(2) A fully variable-step BDF can be obtained, by allowing the method coefficients to also depend on the stepsize $h$, as
(14)Unlike the method (3), the coefficients $\alpha_{n,i}$ and $\beta_{n,0}$ depend on the method order $q$ and the last $q$ stepsizes $h_n , h_{n-1} , \ldots , h_{n-q+1}$. Denoting $h = \max \{ h_n , h_{n-1} , \ldots , h_{n-q+1} \}$, the method coefficients are uniquely determined by
(15)The disadvantage of this approach is that the variation of the quantity $h_n \beta_{n,0}$ makes it harder to keep the Newton iteration matrix (for the solution of the resulting nonlinear system) current.
(3) The fixed-leading coefficient form of BDF is a compromise between the above two choices in that it has the fixed-step value (13) of $\beta_{n,0} \equiv \beta_0 = 1 / \sum_{j=1}^q j^{-1}$ but at the cost of introducing an additional term $\beta_{n,1}} \dot y_{n-1}$:
(16)As expected, the coefficient $\beta_{n,1}$ vanishes when the stepsizes are equal. The fixed-leading coefficient form of BDF is most conveniently derived via interpolating polynomials. This derivation is explained in details in a separate article.
The main advantages of FLC BDF is that it does not suffer from the unstable behavior of the interpolated fixed-step method and, since the only variation in the quantity $h_n \beta_0$ is now through the stepsize $h_n$ only, the Newton iteration matrix can be reused for more steps than in a fully variable-step approach.
The fixed-leading coefficient form of BDF is the choice in all SUNDIALS integrators (CVODE, CVODES, IDA).
Example: BDF2
(18)Fixed-leading coefficient